class, name=None)

Bases: LogSource

Contains boilerplate code to manage the various connections Inherit from this and override the relevant methods to implement your own app

static bot_command(*args, **kwargs)

Decorator that automatically registers methods as commands

  • trigger – Command trigger

  • description – Command description as shown in the bot menu

decode_telegram_data(data: str)

Decodes data as per

async disconnect(client: Client)

Disconnects the given client

get_user(message: dict)

Called to authenticate a user based on the mini app initData Return None if authentication fails, otherwise return a user object

async handle_message(client: Client, type: str, data: dict)

Override to handle socket messages

async login(client: Client, message: dict)

Login logic

  • client – Client requesting to log in

  • message – Data as sent from the client

async on_client_authenticated(client: Client)

Called when a client has been authenticated

async on_client_disconnected(client: Client)

Called when a client disconnects from the server


Called when the server starts

async on_telegram_callback(event: CallbackQuery)

Called on button presses on the telegram bot

async on_telegram_callback_raw(event: CallbackQuery)

Called on telegram callback queries (inline button presses), just wraps on_telegram_callback() with exception handling for convenience

async on_telegram_command(trigger: str, args: str, event: NewMessage)

Called on a telegram /command


True if the command has been handled

async on_telegram_connected()

Called when the connection to the telegram bot is established

async on_telegram_exception(exception: Exception)

Called when there is an exception on the telegram connection

async on_telegram_inline(event: InlineQuery)

Called on telegram bot inline queries

async on_telegram_inline_raw(event: InlineQuery)

Called on telegram inline queries, just wraps on_telegram_inline() with exception handling for convenience

async on_telegram_message(event: NewMessage)

Called on messages sent to the telegram bot

async on_telegram_message_raw(event: NewMessage)

Called on messages sent to the telegram bot wraps on_telegram_message() for convenience and detects bot /commands


Override in derived classes to register the models in self.settings.database_models

async run_bot()

Runs the telegram bot

async send_telegram_commands()

Automatically sends the registered commands


Returns any extra async tasks needed to run the app


Bases: Enum

Enumeration that describe the status of a telegram bot

class, bases, attrs)

Bases: type

Metaclass for telegram bot to allow automatic registration of commands from methods

class, admins)

Bases: UserFilter

Ban/admin list filter


Filter users

Users in the ban list will not be connected, users in the admin list will be marked as admins


Bases: object

Class that filters logged in users for websocket and telegram input


Filters a user from a telegram message


Filter users

Override in derived classes