Management Scripts

There are several server-side scripts that allow you to manage the app and add initial data.

All these scripts support the --help command that gives more details on how they work.

The paths mentioned here are relative to the project root (/opt/ on the installation guide).

If you want to run these on the docker instance, they should be invoked like this:

docker-compose exec miniapp server/

If you want to run them directly, you need to ensure you have Python and the pip requirements from server/requirements.txt installed.

Please note that the installation guide uses SQLite to minimize set up, so you might need to restart the server after changing data on the database.


Adds an event to the database

usage: server/ [-h] --title TITLE --description DESCRIPTION
                           --image IMAGE --start START --duration DURATION

Named Arguments

--title, -t

Event title

--description, -d

Event description

--image, -i

Image path. It will be copied over to the media directory. Note that images should be less than 512 KB in size, have a 16:9 aspect ratio and should be at least 400 pixels wide.

--start, -s

Start time, in HH:MM format

--duration, -r

Number of hours the event lasts for


Shows a list of users, with their telegram ID, admin status and name

usage: server/ [-h]


Makes a user an admin.

If the user doesn’t exist in the database, it will be created. You can use server/ to find the right telegram ID.

usage: server/ [-h] telegram_id

Positional Arguments



Runs the server

usage: server/ [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--reload]

Named Arguments


Websocket bind address

Default: “localhost”

--port, -p, -P

Websocket port

Default: 2536

--reload, -r

If present, auto-reloads the server when sources change

Default: False

--no-reload, -nr

If present disables auto-reloading

Default: False


Manually sends websocket data

usage: server/ [-h] [url]

Positional Arguments


Websocket URL

Default: “ws://localhost:2536/”